When you have been accused of a crime, you may face a complex and exhausting legal process to clear your name. You may have no idea of how to use the legal resources that you are entitled to as a defendant. You also do not want to go to court alone to argue for yourself before a judge or jury.

Instead, you may realize how important it can be to hire legal counsel for your case. You may especially benefit from the services an experienced criminal law attorney can provide for you.

Protecting Your Constitutional Rights

If you have never before been arrested, you may have no idea of what rights to which the Constitution entitles you. You might assume that you must answer law enforcement officers' questions immediately. You also may not be aware that you can invoke your right to an attorney right away after your arrest.

When you hire a criminal law attorney, you can ensure your rights are upheld fully. Your lawyer can verify the arresting officers read you your Miranda rights at the time of your arrest. He or she might also move to have any answers you provided during questioning thrown out if you were not aware you could have an attorney present with you.

Your criminal law attorney will know what rights you are entitled to and ensure law enforcement and the court observe them. He or she may be able to have charges reduced or dropped if any of your rights were violated.

Proving Innocence

Your criminal law counsel can also work to prove your innocence in court. He or she has the obligation to instill enough doubt in the court's mind to get the jury or judge to find in your favor. Your lawyer also can provide enough evidence in court to show you are innocent of the charges and did not have any involvement in the crime of which you are accused.

Taking a Plea

Finally, your criminal law attorney can work out a plea deal if applicable to your case. He or she might secure you a lower charge and lesser sentence. Your lawyer might convince the prosecutor to offer community service, a fine, or probation instead of sending you to jail.

A criminal law attorney can provide important legal services to you after your arrest. He or she can ensure your rights are protected during the legal process. Your lawyer can also prove your innocence or work out a plea deal with a lesser sentence.
