When children are involved in your divorce, things can get very complex. You always have the best interest of your child in mind, and you want to ensure your child has the best of everything. That includes having the best home life. Unfortunately, you may find that you have to prove your ex is an unfit parent. If this is the case, these are the things divorce judges and attorneys consider during the case.

Unfit Parents Don't Set Age-Appropriate Limits

You may decide that you need to fight for custody because your child's other parent does not set limits that are suitable for your child's age. For example, you might discover that your spouse has allowed your child to go out at night on their own even though they are only 10 years old. Divorce lawyers can prove that limits were not set.

Unfit Parents Don't Understand a Child's Needs

In some cases, a spouse doesn't understand or respond to the needs of a child. For example, the child might express a need to eat breakfast, but the parent may not provide a healthy meal. A divorce lawyer will demonstrate that your spouse isn't taking proper care of your child.

Unfit Parents May Not Have Always Been Involved

In some cases, an uninvolved parent may fight for custody as part of a divorce proceeding out of spite. You may need a divorce lawyer involved to help you make the claim that your spouse has not been an involved parent and does not have a strong relationship with your child.

Unfit Parents May Not Resolve Conflict

Conflict resolution is important for a co-parenting relationship. A divorce lawyer can help you demonstrate your spouse's lack of desire to resolve conflict, which ultimately could end in keeping your child away from you.

Unfit Parents May Inflict Abuse

You may be seeking a divorce because of abuse against you or your child. If you witnessed domestic abuse in your home, you may be concerned that your child will be abused if your spouse has custody. You may need to bring evidence of abuse to the divorce proceedings with your lawyer.

Divorce Lawyers Help You Fight for Custody

One of the biggest components of a divorce case often revolves around child custody. If you need to prove your child's other parent is unfit, you need a professional on your side. Call a divorce lawyer today to make an appointment.  
